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Kajian Kinerja dan Keekonomian Turbo Gasification Stove Berbasis Limbah Pertanian

Kajian Kinerja dan Keekonomian Turbo Gasification Stove Berbasis Limbah Pertanian

Kajian Kinerja dan Keekonominan Rancangan Gasification Stove Berbasis Limbah Pertanian

Kajian Kinerja dan Keekonominan Rancangan Gasification Stove Berbasis Limbah Pertanian

Characteristic of Gas-Liquid Contactor for Absorption of Toluene Using Oils

Characteristic of Gas-Liquid Contactor for Absorption of Toluene Using Oils

Effect of temperature and sodium sulfate dosage on direct reduction – Magnetic separation of iron sand pellets using coconut shell charcoal reductant

Effect of temperature and sodium sulfate dosage on direct reduction – Magnetic separation of iron sand pellets using coconut shell charcoal reductant

Pyrolysis of styrofoam plastic waste (SPW) using mount Krakatau’s volcanic ash catalyst

Pyrolysis of styrofoam plastic waste (SPW) using mount Krakatau’s volcanic ash catalyst

Fuel Oil from Municipal Plastic Waste through Pyrolysis with and without Natural Zeolite as Catalysts

Fuel Oil from Municipal Plastic Waste through Pyrolysis with and without Natural Zeolite as Catalysts

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